Saturday, May 5, 2012

A mole in progress....

At some point in your working life you will come across a mole inserting itself into your surroundings with no obvious intentions or date of expire.
What do I mean?
There you are, with your team, in your office, with your typical team dynamic and office atmosphere and someone decides to implement a change and bring someone else in instead of someone who was there before.
Of course, it's the top management's prerogative to do so.  But no, it's not recommended.
So, you are guessing I am not talking about someone who can be trusted.
What do YOU do if there's a plant in your midst that you can't trust or predict?
Adapt.  It seems to be the operative word.
However, how much of a strain will the adaptation cause you?  Is it healthy? Will it be healthy?  How will it affect your work?  Do you have a choice?
Dealing with a mole is tricky.  You have to get them on your side in a way that is not too forward but believable. You have to get them to trust you.  Hard to do as their purpose is to bring in the mistrust bug.
You have to watch your behaviour, you have to watch what you say, how you say it and to whom.  Tough not to be natural.  Such ruined team dynamics can last for how long until something or someone blows?
Rules of inter office warfare are simple.  Beat the opposition by all means possible.  Will it mean that you sometimes have to use the "if you can't beat them, join them" tactics?  Yep.  More than often.
But the aim is clear.  Self preservation.
So buckle up. Stomach in, chin up.  Eyes wired, ready for action.
The mole is coming.
Let it come.  You are ready.

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