Monday, December 26, 2011

Operativni leasing - kako ga skinuti sebi sa vrata i koliko to košta?

Pošto sam ovih dana lično iskusio kako sve to ide, evo pregleda aktivnosti:

  1. Kontaktirate banku (Leasing) ili mejlom ili lično sa zahtevom za obračunom vrednosti otkupa vozila radi prevremene otplate i preuzimanja vlasništva.  (Sve to zvuči lepo...)
  2. Banka izračuna otkupnu vrednost auta tako što sabere iznos preostalih rata po ugovoru i otkupnu cifru na kraju otplate.  Ukoliko ste leasing plaćali u CHF, recimo 250 franaka, a ostalo vam je 20 rata, vaša otkupna vrednost bi bila 20x250 plus otkupna vrednost (na primer 3000 CHF) - ukupno 8000 CHF.
  3. E sad - caka je da ne možete vi da otkupite vozilo već neko treće lice.  (Preporuka je da to bude vaš otac - objasniću kasnije zašto)  Dakle, treće lice plati otkupnu vrednost.
  4. Vi platite penale zbog prevremenog raskida ugovora (kod mene je to bila visina jedne mesečne zakupnine).  Vi takođe platite troškove raskida ugovora (oko 200 EUR) i odjavu tablica i saobraćajne (2500 RSD).
  5. Dakle idemo redom: a) banka uradi ugovor o kupoprodaji sa trećim licem i primopredajni zapisnik za vozilo b) Vi potpišete papire da ste preuzeli nazad menicu koju ste dali prilikom potpisivanja ugovora c) HQ banke izda račun za otkup i za raskid ugovora d) Treće lice uplati iznos otkupa e) Istog dana banka vama uplaćuje na račun i vraća depozit koji ste dali prilikom potpisivanja ugovora f) Lokalna ekspozitura šalje papire za HQ zbog odjave i 3 dana kasnije vi dobijate i račun i odjavu i sve što vam treba za registraciju (uključujući i poništenu saobraćajnu dozvolu)  Takođe, tad, dobijate i sporazum o raskidu ugovora i vašu menicu nazad.
  6. E sad dolazi razlog zbog čega bi vaš otac trebao da bude to treće lice.  Napravite Ugovor o poklonu između oca i sina/ćerke i pritom se ne plaća porez na prenos apsolutnih prava.  Ugovor ima svoju formu (imaju ga sve agencije); vi ga potpišete i overite u sudu u 3 primerka.  Potom popunite PPI-3 obrazac i nosite sve u poresku upravu da vam odrade rešenje o oslobađanju od plaćanja poreza na nasleđe.
  7. U međuvremenu odradite tehnički pregled vozila.
  8. Kada sakupite sve idete u SUP i dobijete tablice i potvrdu o registraciji.  (Prethodno uplatite sve administrativne troškove za tablice i nalepnicu itd. - to je oko 5500 RSD trenutno)

NAPOMENA: Ne plaćate registraciju jer vam ona važi do kraja iako ste odjavili tablice i saobraćajnu.  Isto važi i za polisu osiguranja.  Dakle sledeća registracija nije za godinu dana već ostaje redovan datum na koji ste registrovali auto do tog trenutka.  Za mene je to 2. avgust iako sam danas dobio nove tablice.

Sve ovo traje jedno dve nedelje i za to vreme nećete moći da koristite auto.
Preporuka:  Nemojte da vam padne na pamet da uzmete vozilo na operativni leasing!!!!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

F-22 Raptor - 90% of engineering perfection

To start with, here's a link to a video (available for free)...
F-22 Raptor flaunting itself
I haven't written about fighter planes in a long time... not until I came across this website (below):
Anyway, let's not veer away from the subject.
Which is none other than the first downright stealth fighter plane from the minds of Lockheed Martin (yeah those boys from Skunk works!) - F-22 Raptor!!
Besides it's stealth it also has super-cruise capabilities which is as important.  And to cap it all off, it has the US version of thrust vectoring (TVC) nozzles albeit "just" vertical TVC nozzles.  If you don't know what all this means, I'll dial it down for you:

  1. Stealth - it is characterized by the low or non-existent radar signature which makes it almost impossible to detect it's approach in a combat situation.  Nowadays, thanks to the Russians, they can be detected from the ground, but not so much in air to air combat.  Stealth is achieved by specially shaped body of the aircraft and limiting of it's heat emissions.
  2. Super-cruise - It's the next step from afterburners.  Practically, it's diet afterburners - ability to maintain afterburners for a longer period of time wasting less fuel.  It's grrrrrreat!
  3. TVC (thrust vectoring control) - The Raptor has vertical TVC capability which means the engine nozzles can move up or down by some 30 degrees respectively.  It gives the raptor better manoeuvrability and faster and more seamless changes of direction.
All this coupled with a near perfect fly-by-wire system gives the F-22 air superiority.  For now.  
So why is the F-22 not a 100% perfect?
Well for one, relying fully on fly-by-wire has it's limitations as it sometimes goes against the instincts of the pilot - in translation, if it thinks the pilot is wrong, it corrects the move via computer, it takes over.  So the pilot cannot fully get the "feel" of the plane.
Furthermore, "only" having vertical TVC limits it's manoeuvrability compared to, for instance, the Su-37, the Super Flanker.  The flanker literally does somersaults in the air.  (I won't mention that the fly-by-wire in a flanker can be "overridden" by the pilot)
Here's a video...
Su-37 derivative with TVC playing in the air
But this is not the future No1 opponent of the Raptor.  That place is reserved for the Russian raptor, the Su-50 which is still in the shakedown phase but it has all the characteristics of the raptor and it looks like the F-35.
Here's a quick preview....
I first saw the thrust vectoring nozzles at RAF Fairford in 2006, during RIAT 2006, on a MIG 29 OVT.  My only regret is that I couldn't film the nozzles working.  But you can find loads of videos on YouTube!
Back to the raptor - it will at some point be upgraded with 360 degree TVC but maybe it won't.  Who knows.
In any case, there is no better fighter in the world today.  For now.  (This coming from a massive fan of Russian fighters)
Looking forward to the years to come....

What does "Christmas" mean?

Here is a link to an article on the BBC website about the Pope, his annual Christmas eve mass and his attack on the "commercialisation" of Christmas.
After you read the article, make your own decision but consider the following.  
Some of the general customs during Christmas are gift giving, playing Christmas music and carols (not my favourite thing during this time), Christmas cards, church celebrations, turkey with stuffing, a special meal with your family, displaying of decorations like Christmas trees and Santa's hanging of trees and chimneys etc.
  • It's a tradition for everyone to give and receive gifts at Christmas, especially for kids.  What is wrong with that, your holiness?  Why is that commercialisation?  Because toy retailers earn money and get to give out pay checks to their workers who in turn buy gifts for their family???
  • Christmas music - Now, it used to drive me nuts when I worked for Asda, the playing of Christmas music would start around October time and wouldn't stop until New Years.   But isn't singing one of the purest forms of entertainment and soul enrichment and joy and what have you?  Why is that commercialisation, your holiness?
  • Christmas cards - while here in Serbia this isn't a thing, it is in plenty of countries.  I received a couple through the post and it made me smile.  It's good to say a few nice words on a seasonal greeting card to the people that mean most to you.  Isn't it, your holiness?
  • Church celebrations - enough said!
  • A special meal - In times of great stress and hardship, people manage to get together on this one day and sit down together and grab a few tasty bites of the roasted turkey and some cake and enjoy each others company.  A few moments of happiness - moments brought to us by the commercial end of the holiday because, as you well know your holiness, not everyone is religious and not everyone is a christian.  So enough about that...
  • Retailers make the most of their revenue around the Christmas holiday.  That would not happen without commercialisation.  So what's wrong with making money and being able to afford things - like life?  Why is that wrong?
With due respect - get off your holy horse and see what's happening in front of you. There are many worse things to attack, and even among your own clergy, than people enjoying a bit of fun at Christmas!!!  
ho ho ho Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What's hiding in the forest....

While browsing the internet, you come across all kind of useless crap.  Once in a blue moon you stumble upon a real gem and, like me, you decide you want everyone to know about it.

Side note:  All images (a few that I will put on) come from the official website of the Huilo huilo biological reserve website .

You might be thinking: "is that woman crazy, holding a child over some rope on a wooden suspended bridge?"  Or you might be thinking: "Is that someone's house?  And why is there a fountain on top of it?"
In the end, you might just be thinking: "That's crazy!"
While it is a little "original", what we see on the photo is actually a hotel called Magic mountain lodge.  It sits in a biological reserve in the middle of the Patagonian Andes, in the south of Chile.  I will not give you a tourist guide version of the reserve - you can read up about it on the website.
I will say however that I am amazed.
The hotel up on the photo is supposed to portrait a live volcano with water coming down it instead of burning lava.  Nice.  There are photos on the website of the inside of the hotel and the views from it, in season and during winter.
The other significant building in this reserve is the Baobab Hotel & Spa.

And yeah it has a heated swimming pool and all the amenities that come with it.
What's fascinating is that all the buildings seem to be made out of the wood from the forests and in their natural state, just polished for our use.  Just look at the guard rails, they are not straight but naturally shaped.
From the photos it looks cosy!
When would you ever think that something like this might exist?  And in Chile!
Whatever you are thinking, I know that I just added this place to my list of places to visit.